3 Thoughts 10.23.2020

Starting today, one of the regular themes I will post about is what I have learned recently. I believe in life-long-learning, and it is crucial for your businesses and lives that you read books, listen to podcasts, learn from experts, or hone your skills. This week, I participated in the Influencer Summit (videos will available for replay for the next 48 hours at www.facebook.com/groups/influencersummit), and I learned a lot. We heard from 12+ speakers over 3 days, and I took many pages of notes.

So, here are my 3 Thoughts for today:

1. When meeting someone new, rather than ask about what they do or how things are going, ask them, “What are you most grateful for in this moment?” Then follow-up with, “What are you most excited about right now?” This will lead to deeper, more meaningful and memorable conversations. Impact for you and the other person. Thanks to Lewis Howes for that.

2. Use “Batch Work” to be more productive and efficient. That simply means to group together similar tasks and work on those in blocks of time. So, for example, if you are recording social media videos, block off 3+ hours to do that and only that. You only have to set up your recording equipment once and do your mic check once. This prevents wasting time by repetitive preparation. It also keeps your mind in the same gear, so you do not lose time and productivity in the “gear shift” between different tasks. This was a tip from Jenna Kutcher.

3. Write down your stories. Every one of us has stories. Some are heartwarming, some are sad, some demonstrate struggles (and more importantly, overcoming struggles). It does not matter how you do this (a journal, a document on your computer, a voice recording on your phone), but get your stories on record. If you ever want to speak publicly or write a book, these stories will then be at your fingertips. Even if you never do any of that, your stories tell about who you are and WHY you are who you are. The friends and family you leave behind when you are gone from this world will cherish those stories. This is a simple but often-ignored idea from Craig Clemens.