January 2022 – “The Process of Everything”

Welcome to 2022!!! It’s going to be a great year! Whenever events occur, circumstances rear up, or “life happens”, we humans tend to react first and later realize all of the things we could/should have said/done that would have been better. There is a simple process that can help us to break this cycle thereby refraining from making situations worse and minimizing regrets. I call it the Process of Everything, and it’s 4 simple steps. […]

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December 2021 – “Change Your Beliefs”

Did you know that your beliefs are decisions, choices? Even the most foundational beliefs are ones we get to choose. Whether to believe in God or believe in yourself, these are choices. Of course your experiences will influence you, but you still get to choose. This is really important to understand, because your beliefs dictate your thoughts. Those thoughts generate emotions. We act out of emotions, and our results are directly tied to our actions. […]

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November 2021 – “Remind Yourself”

Samuel Johnson, author, critic, and lexicographer (1709-1784), said, “People need to be reminded more often than they need to be instructed.” True. Since I am “people”, and you are “people”, we need to be reminded more often than we need to be instructed.  When it comes to your values, mission, and vision, this holds true. It isn’t that we forget these things. As leaders, we live these things, so they are impossible to forget. However, […]

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October 2021 – “Friendly Universe”

One of my favorite quotes is attributed to Albert Einstein even though there is no record of him actually saying it. “The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.” There is a nuance here that is easy to miss. The quote calls it a “decision.” The entire premise of the question surrounding the nature of the universe is a decision. We get to decide. More […]

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September 2021 – “Love Reigns In Business”

As I have closed-in on a central concept that ties all of my content and programs together, a central theme of “love” keeps presenting itself. I have tried to resist it, because it has seemed too “touchy/feely” for me. I prefer to keep things rational and reason-based. However, between church, social media, articles I have read, and influencers I follow, it’s time to embrace “love” as central to everything I do. Bear with me a […]

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August 2021 – “Incrementalism: A Big Word for Small Steps”

Incrementalism is all about achieving large goals through small steps, and this is what the iNautilus methodology is all about. It is a process that systematically shifts your focus from an objective that is nearly too big to imagine, to the single item you need to do today. But why is this process of incrementalism so important that I created an entire training program around it? There are several reasons. Photo by Geran de Klerk on Unsplash For […]

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