
Photo by KaLisa Veer on Unsplash

We are in the season of Advent. For the church, Advent is the weeks leading up to Christmas. The word “advent” means coming or arrival (of a notable person, thing, or event). Christ’s arrival was definitely an advent. His return is the next advent we await. Meanwhile, we celebrate the rapid approach of the holiday on which we recognize His birth.

Interestingly, my word for 2022 was “arrival”, and honestly, I do not feel like I have arrived. Although it is not mentioned in the definition of “advent”, a big part of Christian Advent is expectantly waiting. And THAT is something to which I can relate. As I wait (less patiently than I should) for God to show-up (or arrive) in so many life and business circumstances, I am reminded that He often waits until it is nearly too late. As we approach the end of 2022, are there things in your life or your business that are almost at the breaking point? While that breaking point is not the “arrival” we are seeking, it is one for which we should prepare. Our plans do not always align with God’s. Even when we are obedient, faithful, and aligned, sometimes the results never materialize. We live in a fallen world where things do not always go the way they should. We live among broken people; sometimes others thwart our plans, or sometimes they are working in intense opposition to our plans because they too believe that they are being obedient, faithful, and aligned with God. Other times our obedience, faithfulness, and alignment were the entire point of the exercise, and the results were never going to be ours.

That can be disappointing. It can be downright heartbreaking. Nevertheless, we love & serve a good God. He does love us, and he will absolutely rescue us… it just might not be in this life. That can be challenging to accept, but it is the reality. Besides, in the face of infinite time, eternity, what is a mere 70 years? We can endure anything for 70 years.

This is a challenging time of year for many people. It is a joyous time too. And those are not mutually exclusive. As we end another revolution around the Sun, plan for great things, prepare for terrible things, and praise God in all things.

What arrival are you expectantly waiting for? Feel free to email back or share on social media.

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