In addition to a deep dive on goals, learn how to use Vector Modeling™ to focus your daily activity.
First set goals, and these goals should be MILESTONES™ (Measurable, Integrated, Legitimate, Elevating, Simple, Temporal, Optimistic, Navigable, Encompassing, Specific). See this blog post for further explanation: https://greenfireinnovations.com/smarter-goals/
Then break each into smaller, actionable steps.
Next, use Vector Modeling™ to focus your daily activity. This free worksheet will help you focus each day on your most important task(s). I call these Propellers™. A Propeller™ is the most important thing you can do today to progress toward meeting one of your primary goals. Use this daily worksheet to decide, commit, and anticipate. Watch the video for more details, and download the Vector Modeling™ Daily Worksheet.