November 2021 – “Remind Yourself”

(Photo by AbsolutVision on Unsplash)

Samuel Johnson, author, critic, and lexicographer (1709-1784), said, “People need to be reminded more often than they need to be instructed.” True. Since I am “people”, and you are “people”, we need to be reminded more often than we need to be instructed. 

When it comes to your values, mission, and vision, this holds true. It isn’t that we forget these things. As leaders, we live these things, so they are impossible to forget. However, we can lose sight of them. When a crisis occurs, or a distraction rears its head, or we simply get bogged down in day-to-day operations, we need to be reminded. 

Remind yourself daily. Take a few moments to think about what is important to you (values). Consider your higher purpose (mission). Re-visualize your Ideal Destination (vision). Then ensure that what you are about to do, the activities for the rest of your day, and your attitude/mindset are fully aligned with all of those.

Very often the simplest actions are the most important. This one is no exception to that rule of thumb.

I wanted to keep my “tip of the month” short today, because there are some important things on the horizon that need some attention. First of all, the iNautilus Convoy™ 2021 is fast approaching. You will not want to miss the lineup of speakers we have put together this year. Some are back from last year, and others are new to the Convoy, but all will be delivering excellent content that will benefit leaders, entrepreneurs, and just about anyone.

Topics range from handling conflict & being creative to finding the right people. The seminar will run December 6th through 10th at 7am CST each morning (until 8 or 9am depending on the number of speakers). Go to to register and to find more details about the speakers and topics.

One more thing about the Convoy… We are keeping it free for anyone who wants to attend, but we are also adding a new VIP option. Huge value with a tiny price tag! Again, go to (By the way, if anyone is interested in sponsoring the event, please reach out to me asap. You will receive exposure for your business on promo materials, social media, and throughout the event.)

Next, I wanted to share my latest book to be released in January (tentatively). I was invited to co-author Volume 7 of Cracking the Rich Code along with Jim Britt (personal development guru), Kevin Harrington (from Shark Tank), and some others. In addition to those “big names”, Tony Robbins is endorsing this book! More details to come as we get closer to the launch date.

Finally, I was asked to teach a couple of business/entrepreneurship courses at Valparaiso University beginning in 2022. I’m excited to invest in the next generation of entrepreneurs, and this will be different from my other coaching/speaking experiences. So that’s fun! Since I will be a part-time, adjunct professor, I will be able to continue working with clients through Greenfire Innovations. Best of both worlds.

Those are the big news items I wanted to share with you. Be sure to register for the Convoy, and remember to remind yourself.

Posted in +Newsletter Post.