September 2021 – “Love Reigns In Business”

(Photo by Belinda Fewings on Unsplash)

As I have closed-in on a central concept that ties all of my content and programs together, a central theme of “love” keeps presenting itself. I have tried to resist it, because it has seemed too “touchy/feely” for me. I prefer to keep things rational and reason-based. However, between church, social media, articles I have read, and influencers I follow, it’s time to embrace “love” as central to everything I do.

Bear with me a moment. Don’t check out just yet. I’m not going to throw out the reason, logic, and business content that I have been building for the last year. Rather, I’m simply going to show how “love” has been at the core this whole time, and I’m going to talk about why that’s so important.

First, what do I mean by, “Love reigns in business?” I mean that love is at the top, that it is supreme. If you look at my iComp™ (that’s my Integrity Compass or the iNautilus™ version of core values), you will see things like, “Honor” (love of others), “Community” (love of others), “Helping Others” (love of others), “Wild Success” (love of self and others), and “Consistent Integrity” (love of self and of God). Many of these values that are core to my business are really about love.

Furthermore, when I developed MindSetFree™ (my training program which is designed to help people develop a powerful mindset), the central component is LoGOS™. Not only is “logos” derived from a Greek word for “word”, “reason”, “discourse”, or literally “I say”, but this word has a rich spiritual context since it was used to describe Jesus in John’s Gospel. There is a deep well of meaning in the word, “logos” already, but I also use it as an acronym. LoGOS™ means, “Love of God, Others, and Self.” The phrasing here is intentional as well… “Love of God” can mean “love for God” AND “love from God”. “Love of Others” can mean “love for others” AND “love from others”. Each of these is important and Biblical. 

All of this simply goes to show that “love” has been an integral part of my work all along. To further cement this, however, John also states in his first epistle that “God is love” (1 John 4:8).

(Photo by Neal E. Johnson on Unsplash)

If God is love, and I’m declaring that “Love reigns in business”, then I’m simultaneously declaring that “God reigns in business.” God is sovereign. He reigns over all. All of the Earth. All of the universe. All of life. And all of our businesses.

As we go about business, loving others and loving ourselves. Let’s not forget to love God. Let’s not forget that God is sovereign over our business. Let’s not forget that we are stewards of this business for a higher purpose.

Posted in +Newsletter Post.