Convoy™ 2022

“Become A Juggernaut”
The Convoy™ is a seminar for leaders. Part of our Higher Purpose at Greenfire Innovations is to provide valuable content to help entrepreneurs thrive. As a “B2B Missionary”, one of the ways we do this is through the Convoy™. Every year we bring thought leaders together to deliver amazing content for leaders, small business owners, entrepreneurs, and non-profit directors. This year the theme is “Become A Juggernaut”, because a juggernaut is a “huge, powerful, overwhelming force”. So, let’s all become huge, powerful, overwhelming forces for positive change in the world! Free to attend live, the Convoy™ 2022 is slated for December 5th through 9th, 2022.
Check out the amazing speakers below.
VIP Tickets
The Convoy™ remains free to attend. However, we are offering the opportunity to maximize your value with a VIP Ticket again this year. VIP Ticket Holders will get a bunch of bonuses worth nearly $1400!
- NEW in 2022! – Day 5 Breakfast and In-Person Event – VIP tickets will include breakfast at a location in Valparaiso TBD and in-person attendance at the final day of the Convoy. $20 value
- The agenda – VIP ticket holders will receive the speaker lineup ahead of time (free ticket holders will not know which speakers are on which day). $20 value
- Replays – Not only will you be able to watch live, but VIP’s will have access to all replays forever! $200 value
- Prior Year Videos – In addition to the Convoy™ replays from this year, VIP ticket holders will get access to all of the Convoy™ videos from ALL PRIOR YEARS. That’s all the speakers, all the content, all the value! $400 value
- MindSetFree™ – As an added bonus, VIP ticket holders get FREE access to the mindset program, MindSetFree™. Learn to shift to a powerful, informed state whenever you need. $250 value
- 1-hour Coaching Session – Yet another bonus! Work one-on-one with Eric Beschinski for 1 hour on any of the business or personal development topics he coaches. $500 value
That’s almost $1390 in value for far less than the average American spends on coffee in a month!!!!
(The average American spends almost $92/month on coffee.
Register Now (Free or VIP)“Become A Juggernaut”
This year, the Convoy will have another amazing lineup of speakers. (We are still finalizing the details, so check back for updates).
5 Days of Content (below are the speakers from 2021 and this will be updated when the lineup is finalized for 2022):
- Jenny Bennett-Beschinski will be discussing “Trophies for Talking” (all about communication)
- Eric Beschinski will deliver the Keynote Address and “3 Ring Leadership™”
- Jon Costas is back to talk about “Getting the Right People On The Bus”
- Gregg Fraley will deliver his signature presentation on “Making Creative Choices”
- Jane Lump is focusing on taking risks in her talk entitled, “Run With Scissors: The Value of Risk In Achieving Goals”
- Valerie Mrak will share all about “Peace, Power and Possibility” (Transforming Conflict)
- Felicity Solomon is returning with a new talk on “Leadership Through Kindness”
- Jason Williams is joining us again to elaborate on the topic of how “Anyone Can Innovate”