Jeff King, Certified Coach & Consultant
Professionally Certified Coach and Consultant | Helping companies and organizations develop and sustain dynamic leadership, employee engagement, and a supportive and collaborative culture.
Welcome Jeff to his 1st year at the Convoy™!
Presentation Description
Companies, businesses, and organizations of all sizes and services are navigating some of the most interesting times in the history of modern business. One of the most interesting and challenging circumstances is generational diversity – currently four generations make up most organization’s payroll. From Boomers to Gen Z’ers, spanning leadership and the employee workforce. Working with and communicating with co-workers, subordinates, and higher ups is more complex and oftentimes confusing given the wide span of generational diversity within any given company, business, or organization. For those who lead and desire to be a juggernaut, that huge, powerful, overwhelming force for good and for progress, it is vitally important to develop a greater awareness of the generational diversity; along with having tools and strategies to equip and empower the workforce on how to best communicate, connect, and get along with leaders and co-workers of different generations. That is the small part I hope to play in this year’s Convoy and contribute to those who attend. When we better understand the people we lead, work with, and work for, the better we are able to understand their perspective, resolve conflict, communicate needs, vision, and expectations, and add greater value to the work and those we work with.