iNautilus™ Admiral Program

iNautilus Admiral™ Program

Would you ever leave home for a road trip to a first-time destination without GPS or a map?

Have you ever driven with someone who will “just figure it out” only to get completely lost?

Are your clients or employees just as “lost” when it comes to the direction of your business?

YES! I want the peace, unity, clarity, and success that comes from having a comprehensive business strategy.

YES! I want a consultant to provide a system that is concise, functional, progressive, and visual.

YES! I value the expertise, training, and accountability I can only get through one-on-one coaching.

Ready to move forward?

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What value does the iNautilus Admiral™ Program deliver?

  • Peace – Enjoy peace of mind, peaceful progress, and a culture of peace in your business
  • Unity – Your leadership, employees, and clients will be unified in goals and expectations
  • Clarity – Your decision-making will be freed from confusion, biases, and presuppositions/assumptions. Furthermore, you will be given tools to measure results and track progress so that adjustments can be made along the way. No more attempting to “coach the game on Monday morning.”
  • Success – Planning yields results, achievement of goals, and a realized vision (while lack of planning means a lack of results). Add accountibility to the mix along with a system for execution and implementation, and you are ready to thrive.

Now is the time to thrive.

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Is strategic planning really that important?

Yes. Absolutely. Strategy + Execution is crucial!

  • Only 2% of leaders are confident that they will achieve 80-100% of their strategic objectives
  • 33% of leaders rate their organization as poor or very poor at implementing strategy
  • 67% of well-formulated strategies failed due to poor execution
  • In an alarming 49% of organizations, leaders spend only one day a month reviewing their strategic implementation
  • Only 10% of organizations surveyed achieve at least two-thirds of their strategy objectives, with 36% achieving between 50%-67% and 54% achieving less than 50%
  • 95% of employees do not understand their organization’s strategy
  • In 2016, the top three reasons strategy implementation is failing are 1) Poor communication, 2) Lack of leadership and 3) Using the wrong measures
  • 70% of organizations that used a formal process to manage strategy out-performed their peers
  • 77% of successful companies have an established mechanism to translate their strategy into operative terms and evaluate it on a day to day basis

(statistics provided by Responsis Pty Ltd at

Photo by <a href="">Davide Cantelli</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a> Photo by Davide Cantelli on Unsplash

Great leaders review the info and then take decisive action…

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What does all of that really mean to me?

If one of your strategy objectives is to increase sales, statistically you are likely to achieve less than half of that. If your goal was a $100,000 increase, the value of the iNautilus Admiral™ Program for this alone is over $50,000.

  • Revenue/Profit Growth – $10,000+
  • Unified Culture – $5,000+
  • Clarity & Direction – $10,000+
  • Successfully realizing your vision – $50,000
  • Over $75,000 in valuable outcomes!

-OR- (another way to look at it…)

  • 24 dedicated, 1:1 coaching sessions- $24,000
  • MindSetFree™ Program – $250
  • 3 Ring Leadership™ Program – $1000
  • Book, Workbook, Online Tools & Resources – $100
  • Over $25,350 in value

Would you invest $20,000 for a $75,000 outcome plus over $25,000 in intrinsic value? Even with a $25,000 investment, the Return On Investment (ROI) is 300%! 

But your investment is not $75,000 or $25,000 or even $20,000.

So, begin your voyage now.

Get Started Now Photo by <a href="">Smart</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>
 Photo by Smart on Unsplash

This program is not for everyone. It’s OK to say “no”. But if you are a resourceful, coachable, and action-oriented leader AND you desire to have positive impact, this program is definitely for you.

Get Started Now

Not Ready Yet? Don’t wait too long…

There are some BONUSES for taking action.

It is important that the entrepreneurs we invite into our program are people of action. There is work involved in strategy, and if you are unwilling to do the work, then this program is not for you. Strategy is too personal and important to be done on a “do it for you” basis. So, to reward and encourage action, by taking the little action of entering your name and email, you will receive over $3500 in additional value.

Last item. If you are not sure about all of this then let me offer a guarantee.

If you complete the entire program, implement the systems, and follow the recommendations of your coach, and you do not see the value, we will work with you at NO CHARGE until you do or refund your money.

seal-guarantee Get Started Now