The 8 Essential Questions™

The 8 Essential Questions™

Question 1: How will I become a juggernaut for positive change in the world through my work?
  1. Decide on a direction
  2. Describe that vision
  3. Declare it to ourselves and others

Need more? Check out the Juggernaut Business™ 5-Day Challenge or the iNautilus Admiral Program

Question 2: What can I contribute to those closest to me to strengthen those relationships?

Give first

  1. Identify relationships
  2. Proactively take action

Relationships are challenging. If you would like to talk with us about how to put the 2nd Question into action, schedule a Free Session.

Question 3: What is my higher purpose in life?

Passion + Experiences + Talents + Gifts + Desires

Discovering your Higher Purpose requires effort and introspection. If you need more insight, check out the πNautilus Guide for Personal Navigation.

Question 4: Who does God say I am (what is my value), and am I exemplifying that accurately?

Identity is critical

What is your ReName™ (a new name you choose for yourself, aligned with your true identity)?

  • Reflective of your design
  • God’s name for you
  • Proud to call yourself
  • Feels “real” for you

Download the ReName™ Worksheet for free.

Question 5: Which of my core paradigms are not serving me well and need to change?

Core Paradigms =  “Operating System” of the mind

Paradigms determine thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Trace results to paradigms & choose new paradigms.


When you are ready to shift into a powerful, informed mindset, MindSetFree™ is the way.

Question 6: Who is God, and why should I follow Him?

Our paradigm(s) about a Designer will shape our worldview and affect every aspect of our lives.

Want to meet your Designer? Eric will make that introduction any time. Schedule a free private session with him to discuss it.


Question 7: How many will I rescue?

“People are drowning all around us from 6000 years of “shipwrecks”… How many will we rescue?” – Eric Beschinski

Question 8: What action will I take TODAY regarding my answers to the first 7 questions?

Build a habit of being productive and taking purposeful action. Start today with the free Secret Productivity Hacks Onepager.

There is also a downloadable 8 Essential Questions™ Worksheet available here:
