The 8 Essential Questions™
Question 1: How will I become a juggernaut for positive change in the world through my work?
- Decide on a direction
- Describe that vision
- Declare it to ourselves and others
Need more? Check out the Juggernaut Business™ 5-Day Challenge or the iNautilus Admiral Program
Question 2: What can I contribute to those closest to me to strengthen those relationships?
Give first
- Identify relationships
- Proactively take action
Relationships are challenging. If you would like to talk with us about how to put the 2nd Question into action, schedule a Free Session.
Question 3: What is my higher purpose in life?
Passion + Experiences + Talents + Gifts + Desires
Discovering your Higher Purpose requires effort and introspection. If you need more insight, check out the πNautilus Guide for Personal Navigation.
Question 4: Who does God say I am (what is my value), and am I exemplifying that accurately?
Identity is critical
What is your ReName™ (a new name you choose for yourself, aligned with your true identity)?
- Reflective of your design
- God’s name for you
- Proud to call yourself
- Feels “real” for you
Download the ReName™ Worksheet for free.
Question 5: Which of my core paradigms are not serving me well and need to change?
Core Paradigms = “Operating System” of the mind
Paradigms determine thoughts, feelings, and actions.
Trace results to paradigms & choose new paradigms.
When you are ready to shift into a powerful, informed mindset, MindSetFree™ is the way.
Question 6: Who is God, and why should I follow Him?
Our paradigm(s) about a Designer will shape our worldview and affect every aspect of our lives.
Want to meet your Designer? Eric will make that introduction any time. Schedule a free private session with him to discuss it.
Question 7: How many will I rescue?
“People are drowning all around us from 6000 years of “shipwrecks”… How many will we rescue?” – Eric Beschinski
Question 8: What action will I take TODAY regarding my answers to the first 7 questions?
Build a habit of being productive and taking purposeful action. Start today with the free Secret Productivity Hacks Onepager.
There is also a downloadable 8 Essential Questions™ Worksheet available here: